
Donnerstag, 8. Mai 2014

Blog-Hop bei CRAFT-Challenge

Happy Birthday To Us
Happy Birthday To Us
Happy Birthday Dear CRAFT Challenge
Happy Birthday To Us!

Can you believe it? CRAFT Challenge is already 5 years old. Originally started by Tracy from Just Tracy Crafts and with a DT mostly recruited from Trimcraft forum members (Hence the term CRAFT Challenge, which stood for Crafters Residing Are Friendly Trimmies. Or if you wished alternative meaning of Can't Remember A Flipping Thing) on the 4th of May 2009.

We have now grown to be a large team of Design Team Members from all around the world, supplemented with lots of Guest Designers who join us for a month at a time.

We have always welcomed all kinds of craft, not just paper craft (unless specifically stated so in the challenge at the time) and are happy to have such a large group of faithful followers.

So, how are we going to celebrate this milestone?

Well, how else can we celebrate than to have our yearly Blogaversary Blog Hop?

We all feature one of our sponsors for this blog hop on our blogs and I have the honour of featuring and offering a prize from the following sponsor. You can win this prize by adding your name to Inlinkz at the end of this post. I would love to see your comments as well.

The prize is any 3 sets from their online shop.

How can you get to win any of the prizes provided by our sponsors?

That is easy! Just follow the route on our blog hop (you can also find that in our side banner), Our Blog Hop lasts for the duration of this challenge, which means a closing time of Wednesday 6pm GMT on the 14th of May 2014.

And here are our little rules for this challenge/blog hop:

  • Our challenge this week is Birthday
  • Create something with this in mind
  • Add your project to our Inlinkz below to be in with a chance of 3 digital stamps from The Cutting Cafe
  • Follow the route of the Blog Hop
  • Add your project to the Inlinkz at each of these stops to be in with a chance of winning the prize advertised on that blog
  • Collect the words on this and the blogs on the blog hop
  • Form a sentence with these words
  • Return to our challenge blog and put your winning sentence in our comments under the post.
  • We will choose a winner randomly from the correct answers entered, who will win a special Blog Hop pack by Trimgym's Digistamps and Images
  • We will enable comment moderation for the duration of this challenge/blog hop to ensure there is no cheating, lol.
  • And the main rule: HAVE FUN!

What can you win on our challenge blog?

  1. The winner of the winning sentence wins

And here is my project for this week, hope you like it. I have used the Digi Stamp "Ephesians 5".

Hier die deutsche Übersetzung:
"Seid nun Nachahmer Gottes als geliebte Kinder! 
Und wandelt in Liebe, wie auch der Christus uns geliebt 
und sich selbst für uns hingegeben hat 
als Opfergabe und Schlachtopfer, 
Gott zu einem duftenden Wohlgeruch!"

And now for our Blog Hop route:

CRAFT Challenge Blog (you should have started here)
Saskia (you should have come from here)
Silvi (you are here now)
Sparkle and Glitter (you should go here next)
CRAFT Challenge Blog (you should have returned here at the end of the hop)

And here is the word to be collected on this blog:

Your next stop is Sparkle and Glitter's blog. Enjoy the rest of your hop! Don't forget to add your name to Inlinkz below to be in with a chance of winning the prize on my blog.

11 Kommentare:

  1. Such an elegant card. I love it! Hugs, Diana

  2. A beautiful card! Great colours! I love your die cuts! Lovely scripture word art too! Happy Birthday to CRAFT! Thank you for a fun blog hop!

  3. Very pretty card, Silvi, and the die work is super.

  4. Super card - can't see a linky tho - never mind! Jx

  5. A very stylish card - beautiful.
    Thank you for my Word :-)

    IKE xx

  6. A really lovely, elegant card.

  7. Very stylish and elegant card.
    xxx Margreet

  8. Hallo Silvi, einfach total schön ist auch dieses Kärtchen wieder! In dieser Farbkombi wirkt sie sooo edel!
    Besonders liebe Grüße schickt Dir die Eva!

  9. Beautiful card. Wonderful die cut framing the verse. TFS

  10. I LOVE your GORGEOUS card. Love your color combo.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Crafty hugs,


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